MHFZ Skills Searcher & Helper

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MHFZ Skills Searcher & Helper

Post by Dixdros »

In short, got irritated to look for the skill list on Ferias (which by the way is innacurate in some instances), and open x or y PDF to check on additional informations like Z skills
I made this tool for myself at first but then thought it could be a good idea to further improve it for the community so here it is.

Nothing's set in stone ! More skill sources are getting added, and skills information are always improved.

Using URL parameters, you can easily show someone the skill / table they look for, see below :
• Share a skill to someone :
• Share a table to someone :
• Also works for weapons :

If some pages do not display as intended, it might be your cache ! A simple CTRL+F5 should fix it.
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