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「BREAK ARTS」 Monster Hunter 2 English Translation

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:06 am
by Kresna


「BREAK ARTS」 is a team consisting of two people, AcuteAcid and me. We have created a complete English localisation patch for Monster Hunter 2 Dos. This patch translates the entire game into English, including all NPC dialogue, weapon and armor descriptions, menus, items, UI textures, and more. The patch is fully compatible with original hardware and online servers.

Our goal for the project was to create a retail-quality patch that is faithful to the series and its fans. A great deal of love and care was put into the reverse engineering and localisation to preserve the original Monster Hunter 2 Dos experience. We hope you enjoy one of the most unique entries in the Monster Hunter franchise as much as we enjoyed creating it!


To download the latest version, please visit the project website here:
Instructions for installing the patch are also provided on our website.


In addition to translating the entire game, work was put into reverse engineering the bonus content unlocked by connecting Monster Hunter 2 to a copy of Monster Hunter Portable. We have created codes that work on both emulators and original hardware.

To download the right files for your system, please visit the PSP Connection Bonuses page here:


There is an FAQ for both the translation patch and the PSP bonus codes on their appropriate pages. Please consult those pages to see if your question has been answered.

If you have found an error and would like to submit a correction, visit this page to contact us:

Re: 「BREAK ARTS」 Monster Hunter 2 English Translation

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:12 am
by AcuteAcid

Re: 「BREAK ARTS」 Monster Hunter 2 English Translation

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 12:32 am
by Kresna
We've released an updated patch that fixes some things, including some online-related text!
If you're planning on playing online, we recommend you update your game to the latest version.
You can download Version 1.02 from the project page in the first post. It must be applied to a clean ISO, just like any previous patch.

Code: Select all

Changes to Version 1.02:
- Adjusted centering of some in-game text
- Corrected descriptions for fish-related items
- Fixed event quests not showing correctly in online lobbies
- Fixed an issue with PVP objective not displaying correctly
- Fixed general grammar and spelling

Re: 「BREAK ARTS」 Monster Hunter 2 English Translation

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2024 3:20 am
by Kresna
A new version of the patch has been released. Version 1.03 can be downloaded from the project page linked in the first post.
It must be applied to a clean ISO, like all patch revisions.

Code: Select all

Changes to Version 1.03:

Fixed various text out of bounds:
- Paging text in decoration description boxes fixed
- Removing player from friend's list alignment corrected
- Changed online text 'Quest is congested' to 'Quest is full'
- 'Chat List' text alignment
- 'Restricted' text alignment
- 'Message Limit' changed to 'Limit Chat'
- 'Female Blademaster Only' changed to 'Fem. Bldmstr Only'
- 'Male Blademaster Only' changed to 'Male Bldmstr Only'

Dialogue was corrected for:
- Jumbo Village Chief
- City Guard
- Distinguished Lady
- Legendary Artisan
- Wyverian Madame
- Master Shipwright
- Wyverian Miss

Corrected items:
- 'Rathian Spike+' grammar corrected
- 'Plesioth Waist' duplicate line in description corrected
- 'Fire Dragon Scale+' was renamed to 'Fire Dragon Scle+' to prevent out of bounds
- 'Dragonwood' grammar corrected
- 'Heaven and Earth' description corrected
- 'Old Fatalis Buster' was renamed to 'White Fatalis Buster' to better suit the era's in-game description of Fatalis
- 'Luna's Howl' shelling level was corrected to 'Shelling Lv1'
- 'C.Fatalis Webb.' was renamed to 'C.Fatalis Wing'
- 'Hot Meat G' was renamed to 'Hot Meat+'
- 'Chilled Meat G' was renamed to 'Chilled Meat+'
- 'Antidote Meat G' was renamed to 'Antidote Meat+'
- 'Gourmet G-Fish' was renamed to 'Gourmet Fish+'

Descriptions corrected for quests:
- Guild Urgent Quest 'Sink the Yama Tsukami' description corrected
- Jungle Expedition 'Phantom of the Jungle' description corrected
- Swamp Expedition 'Charging Through Poison' subquest corrected from 'Slay 15 Ioprey' to 'Slay 15 Hornetaur'
- ≪Guild Exam 1≫ 'Slay a Kushala Daora!' description corrected
- ≪Guild Exam 2≫ 'Slay a Chameleos!' description corrected
- ≪Guild Exam 3≫ 'Slay the Emperor of Flame!' description corrected

Misc changes:
- Version number incremented to 'Version 1.03'
- Title 'Blue Fang' was corrected to 'Jade Fang'
- 'Urgent Quest complete!' was corrected to 'All objectives complete!'
- Detection of Monster Hunter 1/G save data erroneously claimed that the memory card '[did] not contain game data' for that game. This has been corrected. Now, starting a game with MH1/G save data will show the message:

  "Memory Card (PS2) in slot X
       contains game data
       for Monster Hunter.

   Selecting NEW GAME will send
   items to your Item Box inside
           your house."