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Monster Hunter 3 on Wii

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 9:01 am
by Mau
I would like to display my complete Dissatisfaction with your choice to make Monster Hunter 3 (Tri) exclusive to the Wii system. For years I have been have a die-hard fan of MH. I have played and beaten both psp versions as well as the playstation version. In fact, I still play Monster Hunter Freedom 2 with my little brother who became a fan this last year.

I was (and still am) completely heart broken that one of my most favorite games is switching to a console that
1. I do not own
2. Very few people I know own
3. Many current Monster Hunter fans do not own.
This is by far, the MOST disappointing choice I have ever seen capcom make. Yet again, full hearted Monster Hunter Fans have been cheated out of another portion of their most favorite series (e.g. Monster Hunter 2, Monster Hunter Online, Monster Hunter gold PSP, shutting down the playstation server, and so on...).

Furthermore, I VOW NEVER TO PURCHASE ANOTHER CAPCOM ITEM AGAIN. While I may just be one individual, I do represent the angry voices of thousands of other hunters who feel betrayed by capcom's decision. This decision marks the death of a great game.

Thanks for the big let-down,
HR 20 GS and HR 6 GS

Re: Monster Hunter 3 on Wii

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 9:06 am
by Lutyrannus
I agree. It should have released on Sega Dreamcast like they had announced. I am honestly shocked that they would abandon us Dreamcast users like that.