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[About the Mezeporta Location]

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:58 am
by Schrade Academy
Here it is another post to clear doubts and some misuderstandings that happen often with the series.
It seems that lately there is all I’m writing about XD

I finally tracked down what was the deal with the "both" Mezeportas featured in the series (Frontier and Online).

Again, I tracked down all the old websites and dialogues about it in game in mainline, frontier, online and explore.
I decided to look for actual info about the the series, finding a lot of interviews, old development documents and sites and talking with people native from Japan and Hong Kong to clear my doubts and be sure about the most correct way to understand and translate the original chinese and japanese names and things that I’ve came across.

In this research I’ll explain what is the location of the Mezeporta Square in the world map, alongside explaining why there are different versions of it.

And again, because of the huge amount of images and text info, i decided to upload it as a PDF that you can acess it to be able to read it in a more confortable way! ... sp=sharing

Re: [About the Mezeporta Location]

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 9:31 pm
by TripleCartographer
Thank you for posting this. I am working on a map to run a TTRPG campaign of Monster Hunter, and I really wanted to work in some of the Frontier and Online locations. This is a massive help, plus it has some maps an resources I haven’t seen yet. Keep up the great work.

Re: [About the Mezeporta Location]

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 8:57 pm
by Schrade Academy
You're welcome ^^
It makes me very happy to know that my researched could have helped you with your map! I'm looking forward to see it complete in the future!

If you want to know more about these locations from Frontier and Online, feel free to send me a DM on the Discord and i will gladly help with what i can!