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MH2 Server Release Date

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 5:02 pm
by Grender

Greetings everyone! I'm happy to announce that the second stage of MH2 server beta testing has ended!

We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for participating in the private beta for the MH2 private server. We were blown away by the number of people who got interested to test the server, and we're grateful for all of your feedback, testing and promotion you did about the project.

Now that we finally managed to revive all 3 Monster Hunter PS2 games I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the main actors who made the MH2 server possible:
  • Grender (me): Main programmer; implementation of all MH2-specific mechanics, stability and general fixes, code refactoring, event quests development, management of the development server, research…
  • 2Tie: Main reverse engineer; crucial person who helped me understand the internals of the game better everytime I was stuck and needed to know what the game was expecting from the server. His work on MHG has been very helpful to MH2 too (run issue fix, area configuration investigations, lobby handling improvements, event quest loading...).
  • Seki: Programmer; his work on refactoring the code has been extremely useful to better organize the software project and served to fix crashes and stability issues.
  • 스파게티 (Spaghetti): Reverse engineer; this person was the first one to help me with the MH2 reverse engineering process before 2Tie joined me with the development of MH2.
  • Alphadivine and Jovovich: Main testers and researchers; one of the main reasons I was able to understand many MH2 mechanics to later implement them is thanks to the knowledge and ability to research information of these 2 early testers. Thank you for your dedication and continued support.
  • Jurther: Tester and PR; the first person to play an online MH2 quest with me. His promotion of the project has allowed it to expand greatly. He also helped me contacting all testers for this private beta stage.
Special thanks to…
  • viciousShadow: for being the key along with ChiveyX to start this project back in 2019 and for managing the server hardware. His early administration, reverse engineering and programming work (including the in-game login website design) has also been very important to reach the current state of the project.
  • Dixdros: for providing us with the machine that hosts the main servers for MH1, MHG and soon MH2.
  • the_f0g/No23: for implementing the RE: Outbreak server that served as a foundation to the MH servers.
  • Faust: old team member who briefly worked on MHG and MH2 servers during the early days. His old notes about inner workings of seasons and area configuration offsets were very valuable.
  • ChenHao ( For his reverse engineering of the MH2 quest format and for his tools that allowed us to convert all MH Frontier quests into MH2 format, serving as a base to re-implement MH2 event quests. He is also our Chinese partner that has been hosting PS2 MH servers for Chinese players using our same source code, shared with him.
  • 「BREAK ARTS」: For their outstanding complete localization of the MH2 game.
  • All testers and all MH Oldschool players in general: Thanks for your interest and your continued support about the things we make, this project would be nothing without you!

With this being said, I will share some statistics about the private beta that happened between the 12th of July, 2023 and the 21st of July, 2023.
Amount of monsters killed and captured.

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| monster_name        | total_kill_count | total_capture_count |
| Melynx              |             1965 |                   0 |
| Vespoid             |             1265 |                   0 |
| Velociprey          |              801 |                   0 |
| Felyne              |              770 |                   0 |
| Hermitaur           |              472 |                   0 |
| Bullfango           |              427 |                   0 |
| Ioprey              |              422 |                   0 |
| Mosswine            |              342 |                   0 |
| Conga               |              317 |                   0 |
| Genprey             |              276 |                   0 |
| Blango              |              271 |                   0 |
| Remobra             |              261 |                   0 |
| Apceros             |              199 |                   0 |
| Hornetaur           |              182 |                   0 |
| Giaprey             |              165 |                   0 |
| Velocidrome         |              140 |                   2 |
| Rocks               |              104 |                   0 |
| Cephalos            |               89 |                   0 |
| Ceanataur           |               86 |                   0 |
| Great Thunderbug    |               78 |                   0 |
| Popo                |               65 |                   0 |
| Yian Kut-Ku         |               57 |                   1 |
| Rathian             |               53 |                   9 |
| Daimyo Hermitaur    |               47 |                   2 |
| Anteka              |               47 |                   0 |
| Bulldrome           |               46 |                   4 |
| Congalala           |               46 |                   1 |
| Aptonoth            |               45 |                   0 |
| Shogun Ceanataur    |               45 |                   3 |
| Kelbi               |               43 |                   0 |
| Gypceros            |               35 |                   0 |
| Shakalaka           |               30 |                   0 |
| Iodrome             |               29 |                   4 |
| Shen Gaoren         |               23 |                   0 |
| Khezu               |               22 |                   5 |
| Blangonga           |               20 |                   0 |
| Kushala Daora       |               18 |                   0 |
| Pink Rathian        |               17 |                  14 |
| Ashen Lao-Shan Lung |               16 |                   0 |
| Cephadrome          |               15 |                   0 |
| Basarios            |               14 |                   0 |
| Chameleos           |               12 |                   0 |
| Gendrome            |               11 |                   2 |
| Teostra             |               10 |                   0 |
| Kirin               |               10 |                   0 |
| Purple Gypceros     |               10 |                   0 |
| White Fatalis       |                8 |                   0 |
| Yama Tsukami        |                6 |                   0 |
| Red Khezu           |                5 |                   0 |
| Blue Yian Kut-Ku    |                5 |                   0 |
| Diablos             |                4 |                   0 |
| Yian Garuga         |                4 |                   4 |
| Lao-Shan Lung       |                4 |                   0 |
| Gravios             |                3 |                   1 |
| Rathalos            |                2 |                   2 |
| Silver Rathalos     |                2 |                   0 |
| Crimson Fatalis     |                2 |                   0 |
| Fatalis             |                2 |                   0 |
| Plesioth            |                1 |                   0 |
| Rajang              |                0 |                   4 |
| Gold Rathian        |                0 |                   8 |
| Green Plesioth      |                0 |                   2 |
| Azure Rathalos      |                0 |                   4 |
Number of quests finished.

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Number of quests failed / abandoned.

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Number of Dragonseer balloons spotted.

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And finally… the public open beta release date! (Keep in mind that this is actually the final release, all of our 3 servers are technically in a permanent open beta state until they are ~100% finished). See you all the 4th of August! :D

Bonus Trailer!
