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MH1JP Gathering Map googlesheet

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:43 am
by jack ... GR3q57XVoA

infos based on Taiwanese guidebook, with some manually test, I believe its accuracy is enough for common usage ;
first row is for low-rank, second row for high-rank, third and fourth for spectial setting such as quest based.

Q&A :
What is the max gather times?
it is the maximum amount of the gathering spot can offer with,
by using skill "Gathering", you will always get maximun amount of the gather times ;
Yet noted that if this spot have "nothing found" in reward pool, it doesn't count as one time gathering.

Then is there's minimize gather times?
probably, I don't have credible data for it.

Is there's no different rates for fish?
based on my experience, it should have it, yet guidebook didn't offer such infos as well,
as for advice in quest objective, I suggest zone switch method to refresh fishing spot if it's not spawn.

What is the different name meaning between different gathering spot, like Fireflies and Hidden Bug Swarm?
it's for visual hints that help you to recognize it,
for those spot that are more difficult to identify, there will be direction notes too.

Where's Specialmushroom?
for bestiary hint and gameplay, if Mosswine sniffing, there will be mushroom,
and if you're confirm there's no more gathering spot remain, you can crave Specialmushroom from Mosswine as well ;
yet noted that Mosswine's behavior doesn't concern if the gathering spot is available or not.
which means, Mosswine will sniffing on some spots still even when you can't interactive with it.

What it mean when the gathering spot have deleteline in the special setting row?
that mean this gathering spot is not available in the special setting map,
for my understanding, this only happen to those zone that have new gathering spot activate by specical setting ;
FnH Specialmushroom quest for example
in any setting, Zone 8 gathering spot will all be available but only rates and max gather time different,
but during sepcial setting, Zone 6 sap plant spot will be disable while Specialmushroom spot is enable.

How do I know if this quest have speical setting?
it seem to be very quest based, but for what I know of ;
village tutorial special setting only use for village tutorial quest.
Specialmushroom quest always enable Specialmushroom special setting.
coals quest always enable Coal special setting and there will be always an undying spot.
egg carry quest always enable nest special setting and it's always undying spot.
Sootstone carry quest same as egg carry and follow this rule, if there's no Basarios then it's Zone 11, otherwise it's Zone 7.
dual-monsters quest and event always use Low-Rank setting.

Can I have a copy of this googlesheet / asking for editing and correcting misleading infos?
feel free to make as much copy as you like, you need not my permit,
yet for aovid misoperation, this googlesheet wouldn't open for public editing.