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[JAN 2024 COMMUNITY EVENT] Big Bone Hunting!

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:19 pm
by 2Tie
Howdy, this is the first (trial run) of a little community activity i've been scheming up for a lil bit, where a prompt is given, and the goal is to get as many users to post screenshots in a thread of them clearing the prompt as possible!
for our first go, the target prompt is this image:
the challenge is, slay a rathalos in Forest & Hills with the Big Bone Hammer! the quests valid for the activity are:
激闘!雄火竜リオレウス/Attack of the Rathalos (the quest in the screenshot, this is the offline rath urgent)
リオレウス討伐指令/Slay the Rathalos! (online fnh rath)
any first gen game is valid for this, as long as the three requirements are met: target is a rathalos slay (no dual target hunts, but any colour rathalos is fine), the locale is fnh, and the weapon of all participants is the Big Bone Hammer. beyond that, how you approach it is up to you! want an added challenge? do a higher rank version of the quest, or use only leather armor like in the screenshot. are you a caveman cultist? why don't you try the challenge for mh1, mhg, AND mhp! there's no points or rewards given to participants for anything, so feel free to play how you like, but at the end of the prompt period i'll tally up how many users participated (posted screenshots) and the prompt itself will recieve a score that way. I figure that'll be a fun way to look back on these, maybe have a retrospective at the end of the year.
currently, i'm thinking of closing the prompt at the end of the month (feb 1st) and starting the next one on the fifth (feb 5th), but as that period approaches i'll reevaluate.
I haven't even attempted this myself yet, but i plan to when i have some more free time. remember, post your screenshots of it here!! the discord does not count for the count, but you can post them there too if you'd like, maybe we'll have a thread in the showcase channels.
spread the word! tell your hunting buddies! maybe even make a youtube video about it! and above all, happy hunting!!

Re: [JAN 2024 COMMUNITY EVENT] Big Bone Hunting!

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2024 1:55 am
by [Zurtur]
Got the thing.
Might not have been on full Leather, but, I at least can say that I participated.

Re: [JAN 2024 COMMUNITY EVENT] Big Bone Hunting!

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2024 3:25 am
by Kiba_13
Big Bone Hammer recreation in Monster Hunter 1 JP:


Re: [JAN 2024 COMMUNITY EVENT] Big Bone Hunting!

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2024 9:42 pm
by Gertrude
Big Bone Hammer in MHGii

Re: [JAN 2024 COMMUNITY EVENT] Big Bone Hunting!

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2024 11:08 pm
by Stephan/Gukst
clearly this is my own Freedom character

Re: [JAN 2024 COMMUNITY EVENT] Big Bone Hunting!

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2024 5:51 am
by Kiba_13
I did another one-- started a new file on Monster Hunter G to be true to the original
Played through all of village up to the Rathalos urgent with just the Big Bone Hammer and Low Rank Leather Armor set with Green Pants (after farming Mystery Bone in the tutorial quests)
