MH4U and MH4G have exited beta testing!

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (called Monster Hunter 4G in Japan) is an improved version of Monster Hunter 4 and is the first fourth generation Monster Hunter game released outside of Japan.
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MH4U and MH4G have exited beta testing!

Post by Adam »

Pretendo Network has released the servers nearly feature complete
To learn how to get your 3DS back online follow Pretendo's 3DS Guide.
  • MH4U and 4G can play together on these servers

There are minor issues when playing the 2 versions together.
  • When posting 4G events 4U players cannot see the quest name, objective, fail condition, or description as 4U lacks support for UTF-8 with text appearing as ? in 4U
  • 4G event weapons will be displayed as dummy### for 4U players and will use the default iron model for that weapon type (see this post to fix the stats of the weapons)
  • 4U event weapons will be displayed as dummy for 4G players and will use the default iron model for that weapon type (see this post to fix the stats of the weapons)
  • When either version exchanges guild cards, many stats on them will appear broken
  • 4U can type more characters in messages than what 4G can display as 4G has a 15 character limit
  • 4U players can obtain dummy items from some 4G events including JUMPタル爆弾 / JUMP Bomb the item will be labeled as dummy but can be used

In order to access the DLC server it will require 2 things
  • In your consoles Internet Settings set a DNS address of same as the PS2 servers

If you run into error code 090-2415 on 3DS and 140-0015 on WiiU after setting the DNS address your router or ISP could be blocking DNS redirects. Check your router settings or contact your ISP to change that, you can also use some VPN's to get around that issue as well.
If you run into error code 090-2441 on 3DS That means your game is missing an update to enable access to the DLC server.
If you run into error code 090-2442 on 3DS or 140-0025 on WiiU please let me know as that would be an issue with the goshawk server. Include what version of the game you are using as well.
Known Error Codes Related to the DLC Server
090-2414 - No download server available
090-2415 - No download server available
090-2416 - No download server available
090-2441 - Game is missing updates
090-2442 - Download server error
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Re: MH4U and MH4G have exited beta testing!

Post by PadraicG »

Hey! Have you heard of anyone getting error code 006-0612? I can download the dlcs, I can even see some gathering hubs but I can't join any
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Re: MH4U and MH4G have exited beta testing!

Post by Adam »

PadraicG wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 8:28 pm Hey! Have you heard of anyone getting error code 006-0612? I can download the dlcs, I can even see some gathering hubs but I can't join any
error code 006-#### has to do with your connection or the host of the rooms connection specifically with NAT types either your NAT type is incompatible with the host of that room.
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Re: MH4U and MH4G have exited beta testing!

Post by AmyRoxwell »

I had been using the servers for quiet a while and they have been amazing! but a fair warning, there are ways to make your game crash on 3DS by using a modified gender value, but thanks to @h4x0rSpooky, there is a cheatcode that you can use to prevent this in both citra (or azahar when it eventually releases) and Real 3ds.

On Citra you just copy the code into the cheats menu and you done, but for 3ds:

Code: Select all

Anti Crash Code List
How to use CTRPF
MH4U USA v1.1

Made by H4x0rSpooky

[Anti Gender Crash]
00B09A3C EB0B8B88
E0DEC864 00000010
E5D11000 E3510002

MH4U EUR v1.1

Made by H4x0rSpooky

[Anti Gender Crash]
00B09A8C EB0B8B74
E0DEC864 00000010
E5D11000 E3510002

MH4U JPN v1.2

Made by H4x0rSpooky

[Anti Gender Crash]
00AF2840 EB0BE807
E0DEC864 00000010
E5D11000 E3510002

Note: Use them only with CTRPF, Rosalina's AR handler isn't compatible with these code types.

how to use ctrpf:

Grab the .3gx file and rename it to default.3gx
Put it into sd:\luma\plugins\ (if you don't have the plugins folder, create it)
Enable Plugin Loader in the rosalina menu and save settings
Launch MH4U, wait till it says Plugin ready! (it should flash blue at the 3ds logo, if it doesn't happen, repeat the previous steps)
Open the menu by pressing Select
Go to Action Replay and press the (+) symbol to add a new code
Insert a code name and then add new lines inside the code editor (by pressing R)
Make sure you typed in the code 1:1 as shown
Exit out by pressing B
Enable the code by pressing A and press Select again to close the menu

Repeat the enabling step everytime you launch the game so the patch can be applied. 
MH Dos Enjoyer (She/Her), trying to become a Master on all weapons,
Certified Member of the Navirou's Love Club
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