I'll post the new English patch here under the original thread but it can also be found on the MH Oldschool discord
https://drive.google.com/file/d/196Af36 ... sp=sharing
Highlights of the new patch are
- Changed all item names (again)
- Changed all weapon names
- Changed all armour names
- Changed all status messages
- Updated settings menu translation (main menu and quest settings)
- Updated armour skill point names
- Updated armour skill names
- Updated weapon status screen
- Updated armour status screen
- Updated bowgun ammo status screen (ammo is no properly lined up now)
- Combo menu is translated
- Character creation is translated
- All quest names have been translated (new subspecies quest names, G Wii displays subspecies quests with different names)
- All quest objectives have been updated (subspecies are listed separately, they are listed separately in Japanese)
- All quest descriptions have been updated (new subspecies quest descriptions as well)
- All Gallery cutscenes have been translated (4 of them need pointers updated)
- FMV cutscenes have been fixed to work properly on console and emulator
- Start menu text has been updated (only in quests for the time being) (Abandon Quest text is messed up for the time being)
And if you find any mistakes please message me!
For this patch I had to start from scratch on a lot of the translations due to broken pointers for the FMV cutscenes. Yuzucchi was a huge help with this making an amazing tool to help edit quests, weapons, armour, and item names with adjusted pointers.