I am sure that many of you know I have been taking a hiatus for the last few weeks from Monster Hunter work as I sort out some things in my personal life, but I am back now! While I will still be working on things in my personal life very often, I plan to be more active in the community again during the coming weeks.
In order to celebrate my triumphant (?) return, I have finally edited the The Great Guide
Please send the guide out to the folks who might be interested~ Just think of all the new people you'd get to play with! We only have a limited time until the next MH game is announced, so use this time time for Oldschool propaganda wisely

In the future, I may update the guide further and include a section at the bottom that links to various patches and such for each game. I'm unsure if I should include this or not, though, because that has (mostly) nothing to do with connecting to the private server. Then again, in the future, maybe the guide will be more than just a "how to connect online" guide, we'll see. For now I think that it is great as it stands, but as I mentioned earlier, please post any suggestions you can think of in the thread I linked

Thank you all very much, and happy hunting~