[About the MHO/MHOL Canon]

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Schrade Academy
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[About the MHO/MHOL Canon]

Post by Schrade Academy »

Another post made with the intention to clear some misuderstandings that happen often with the series.

I already talked about it in a video I made about the series canon, but as the video for now is only in brazillian portuguese and as I got more info about this topic after the launch of the video, I decided to write this post here to clear the doubts about this particular topic.

I see that a lot of people have doubts in regards to the canon status of the spin off games like Frontier, Online, Explore and Felyne Village. As there are very few information about them and their development process available in english, everything about them seems to be a mystery and people can only imagine things about the little they can see in videos or images.

This causes a lot of confusion and speculation, which in a lot of cases can end up being seen as truth because someone misinterpreted an content or quote and it got spread as the truth (which happened a lot over the years in this community).

As an researcher about these series, I decided to look for actual info about the canon in the series, finding a lot of interviews, investor reports, old development documents and sites and talking with people native from japan and hong kong to clear my doubts and be sure about the most correct way to understand what I’ve came across.

Because of the huge amount of images and text info, i decided to upload it as a PDF that you can acess it to be able to read it in a more confortable way!

I really hope that this post can help people on understanding more about this game and can clear some misunderstandings with it ^^

https://drive.google.com/file/d/197nH04 ... drive_link
Monster Hunter Lore and Worldview Researcher
Hunter from Pokke since 2011
Youtube Channel (BR): Schrade Academy

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