I'm here to present to you all the last main series game that finally has its own translation patch, it is a port of MH4U translation with slightly adaptations to fit the game properly.

This project started some months ago (in 2022) when I was about to start playing it and it's my first time playing the 3ds games and since I had some experience working on a translation project of MHXX for my native language (Brazilian Portuguese) with Dodogama Team, I ended up wanting to translate this game to play, don't expect it to be perfect as I lack knowledge to hack it and change some things.
MH4 ENG Patch Rev3 link:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-yScCA ... exQMshgjNB
MH4 ENG DLC Patch link:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/13LGChk ... sp=sharing
Note: Updates will be released, so I'll try to keep the link the same, but if you want to be notified of updates and changes you should consider joining the Discord server that I'm going to talk about below.

And with it I'd like to announce and share with you all the beginning of a new Discord server, I know there are a lot already so what makes this one unique? Well, it will be focused on the forgotten and mistreated games of the series, for now those are MHP2/F2 (Portable 2nd/Freedom 2), MH4 and MHX/Gen (X/Generations), so if you are interested in playing them but no other "weirdos" play those, why don't join us "weirdos" that play those?
Discord Server invite:
Both links will be shared in Jurther's trailer video, so don't forget to check it out!